Prioritise your legal health, promote a compliance culture
State-of-Health Legal Audits
Organisations bootstrap, grow, and expand further. At each stage, your legal needs will change. You may already suspect that your compliance processes need work as legal boundaries are getting greyer. You face increased risk and cost of non-compliance. You may also notice that your early-stage contracts and practices that worked then are not working as well now. You face bad debts and counterparties that take advantage of you.
You believe in being proactive about your legal health. We believe in bringing you a solution calibrated and right-sized to your current stage of growth and ambition. We do this via our flagship programme that comprises a 3-Pronged Approach.
Our approach
We Identify
The pressing or emerging issues/risks through a State-of-Health audit on your company.
We do this via documentation reviews, and key personnel interviews to truly understand on-the-ground practices. We summarise these in an easy-to-read report.
We address
The issues and risks identified.
We offer customised solutions by refining policies/processes, strengthening documentation, or even introducing bespoke legal registers detailing the rules that apply to your business activities.
We train
Your relevant personnel post-solutioning.
We do so via compact and effective workshops. We also close the loop with your top management on the issues and solutions via executive briefings.
legal health categories
Are your key contracts drafted from when your company was in a different time and place, or based on some standard template?
Are you facing practical issues in fee collection, loose or missing terms, and others, that you wish to rectify? Are your employees facing operational issues that can be resolved contractually?
Do you have the right licenses and permits needed in your industry? Are your products and technology being imported/exported with the right permits and licenses?
Are your compliance processes set up adequately? Are your employees complying with Singapore law requirements and not your head office's?
Are your employment templates and practices up to date and compliant with law?
Do you face issues on grievance handling, performance management, or managing misconduct? Are your line managers conducting them correctly?
Environment, health and safety
Are your business activities raising any environmental concerns, such as air or water pollution, or hazardous working conditions ?
Are your employees clear about the legal stipulations that apply to storage or transport of hazardous materials?
Consumer Protection
Are you engaging in any unfair practices, whether in terms of your sales tactics or advertisements? Are your pricing strategies (online or physical store) questionable from the regulator's perspective?
Are your sales teams inadvertently making false or misleading representations on your products?
Anti-bribery/ Corruption/ Competitive Behaviour
Are your employees overly familiar with your suppliers and customers? Are your employees engaging with competitors and exchanging business sensitive information?
Are your employees knowledgeable about the bright lines and OB markers to keep to?

getting on board
~ You decide the scope of categories of the State-of-Health Audit that you need based on your current stage of growth.
~ We work with and guide you on the best approach and precise depth for the audit.
~ You will always receive dedicated attention from our lawyer Alvin, a seasoned legal practitioner.
~ You are always assured of a transparent fee structure.